Interface X2JStringHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
ConcatHandler, DefaultHandler, LengthHandler, LowerCaseHandler, SubStringHandler, UpperCaseHandler, ValueHandler, XPathHandler

public interface X2JStringHandler
The interface X2JStringHandler.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    handleString(String rawValueString, Element rootElement)
    Every String handler will have to implement this method for processing the JSON value as per the definition given in the schema.
  • Method Details

    • handleString

      String handleString(String rawValueString, Element rootElement) throws X2JException
      Every String handler will have to implement this method for processing the JSON value as per the definition given in the schema.
      rawValueString - the raw JSON value string
      rootElement - the root element of the input XML
      the string post the processing is done by the handler
      X2JException - X2JException